Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our weekend in pictures (and screen shots)

This weekend was one great big mess of visiting friends, work, out of town adventures, gardening, happy surprises and one very pissed off cat. One of my best friends lives one town over but recently has started interning in Orlando, so every now and then she graces us with her presence. This gracing usually ends in too much wine and her staying the night in the city and leaving me adorable notes to wake up to on the fridge! After the work week was finally over I got to experience boredom and gave myself a pretty nifty manicure with the new multi colored glitter nail polish I got from Ulta! My roommate got home and we took off for a night on the town and a margarita glass full of ceviche mmmmm... 

Today, however, was hands down my favorite of the weekend! My life long bestie came into town for the weekend with her boyfriend so Nick and I met up with them for an amazing lunch and peach mimosas! We then came home and tried our hand at gardening. Well, he tried his hand at gardening. I held open the trash bag and got him water. Our Home Owners Association seems to hate any and all renters in the neighborhood and likes to hassle us about really stupid things anytime they get the chance. But after the work we did this weekend, there's no way they could complain! At least for this week that is..

The pissed off cat happened when that cute little black cat found out the hard way that Sunday is animal bath day. But after that fiasco (that I refrained from taking pictures of. You're welcome.) I got a very happy surprise!!

Yup! I'm off on adventure in Portland, OR for a week next month and oh so excited! I get to have a nice vacation from school and work, get to see a great old friend and get to experience the hipster mecca of the United States! 

Anyone been out that way recently? Suggestions on fun filled places to check out?
(PS) Please check out the first of my lovely new sponsors and e-mail me if you'd be interested in being one!!!


Jessica Holly said...

Your nails! I die. Also, so jealous. I've been craving a trip to Oregon forever!

Kyla said...

Such fun little photos! I especially love your nails, the glitter is great!

Unknown said...

I love love your nails!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend :)

Mannequins Dream said...

your nails are awesome!! :D:D Xx

Dania @ Always Dania said...

i love your nailpolish!!! im thinking of doing that one soon but im so uncoordinated with my left hand! so i think ill mess it up!

Sécia Mischke said...

Great nails and beautiful rainbow shot!

♥ sécia

Bia’s Blind Bags said...

HIya Annika!!
Found your blog courtesy Vintch and I absolutely adore it... I was about to praise the 'nails' image lol but I notice that seems to be getting the most attention anyway!!
I'm following you via friend connect now :)) so you should be hearing more from me. Do drop by at my nook in cyber space sometimes... it would be a pleasure to have you over

Megan said...

These pictures are so cute... your nails look fabulous!

How exciting that you'll be traveling to OR, that sounds really fun! I have a friend that lives there and she loves it - I'm hoping to get out there one day soon :)

Vanessa, Take only Memories said...

That nail polish is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Your nails! They are so lovely!