Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Top Tuesday

I think the main reason my inner Art Historian just can't not love contemporary art, is because of street art and graffiti.

Speaking of weird and quirky art: Wilhelm Staehle, everyone.

You know you've lived in Florida too long when you look at the pictures in this article and wonder: "How is that weird?"

Woe is you—you've accidentally befriended (or worse, started dating) an artsy type. Never fear! Just for you, I've compiled this versatile list so that you don't get crushed by the incredible weight of your own boredom. How to Enjoy an Art Museum (for the utterly bored)!

You have no idea how excited I got when I saw not one... but TWO of my potential grad schools on this list!

I'm pretty sure this pamphlet is supposed to make me dislike the Girl Scouts and all it did was make me look up where I can buy more cookies and how I can become an assistant troupe leader.


Stephanie of Pretty {much} Art said...

I'm with ya on the Girl Scout thing. Plus, I just read that 80% of female business owners (including myself) used to be Girl Scouts. So yeah... basically Girl Scouts teaches girls to be vicious trollops and lesbians and ruins lives.*

Also, loved that 10 Ways to Survive in an Art Museum article. I actually think that just taking pictures of noses sounds like a cool project. And I really want to try the tour guide thing.

* I get nervous that when I type something, instead of say it out loud, that you might miss out on the sarcasm.

Halley said...

Wow. Respect the GSC. Time to start a troupe in NZ.

ANNIKA! I really enjoy your blog, which is why I put you on this list. http://www.lifeofsomethingnew.com/2012/01/award.html

Peace in the Middle East,

Samantha K said...

When I first saw the complaints about the Girl Scouts my boyfriend and I decided that we were going to buy many more boxes this year than our usual 2. I think that is a anti-sanity campaign that backfired.

Chelles said...

I never realized the GS did all this.. Thank you for the information. Now I have to make sure I buy a few boxes every single year! :)